Frequently Asked Questions.

Questions About The Summit?

We Have Answers!

Note: The questions and answers below are subject to change as this project continues to evolve. Email for the most up to date information or call 570.212.9012.

The Summit: Center for Wellness

  • Local property taxes will not be used to fund The Summit: Center for Wellness. Loyalsock Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation, funded through private donations, corporate donations, and private and public grants. Loyalsock Foundation continues to actively apply for private and public grants. A capital campaign is also part of the fundraising process. Senator Yaw and the Sullivan County Commissioners made a 2019 joint recommendation to include The Summit: Center for Wellness in the PA Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program (RACP); Senator Yaw has secured a line item in the capital budget for $7.5 million, which allows Loyalsock Foundation to apply to this program until 2030 for a maximum amount of $7.5 million as long as we have a one-to-one match from other sources. 

    Through an application process, the Sullivan County Commissioners have granted Loyalsock Foundation Act 13 funds to support the development of concept design plans and the Outdoor Recreation Concept Plan.

  • To offset operational costs, we will establish an endowment fund to ensure The Summit’s sustainability. We are also in active discussions with local agencies, organizations, and health care networks that may potentially lease space at The Summit and provide valuable health and wellness services. Also, we continue to research opportunities for programming grants for educational classes, swimming instruction, etc.

    The Summit: Center for Wellness is a strategic part of the economic development plan for the county and supports the Northern Tier Comprehensive Economic Strategy goals of Enhancing Tourism Assets and Revitalizing Core Communities. A modern recreation center will enhance the overall quality of life in Sullivan County and appeal to prospective residents, including those who work remotely which, in turn, could also lead to higher property values, benefiting homeowners and the local economy.

    The Summit: Center for Wellness will be a major local construction project, creating jobs during the building phase. Local contractors, engineers, laborers, loggers, suppliers, landscapers, and builders will be invited to submit proposals and provide building materials.

    Once The Summit is operational, it will also require staff to manage and maintain the facility, creating additional employment opportunities.

  • Yes. Memberships will be available to everybody. This includes Sullivan County’s permanent residents, seasonal residents, and visitors, plus people who live outside of Sullivan County but may work in the area. There will be no restrictions on memberships. In order to access The Summit’s indoor features (swimming pool, walking track, fitness equipment, etc.), you will need to purchase a membership. However, the welcome area located in the lobby of the building will be open and accessible to members and non-members with free access to WiFi. All outdoor recreation areas, including The Landing, trails, and outdoor amphitheater, will be open to non-members.

  • The following membership costs are offered as projections and are subject to change depending on offerings at The Summit upon completion. 

    Adult - $35/mo or $420 Annual

    Senior - $26/mo or $312 Annual

    Household - $50/mo or $600 Annual (2 adults and 3 under 18 years – any additional members of household are 50% for individual)

    These recommendations are based on facility offerings at The Summit as well as the prices charged in neighboring communities and similar rural settings around the country, as presented in the operational and market analyses completed in 2022 and updated in March 2024 by Ballard*King Associates. 

  • In collaboration with the Sullivan County Recreational Association, we have established the Summit Thrive Fund for people who may need assistance to meet the membership fees. This fund will be used to offset membership costs and will be allocated on a case-by-case basis.

  • Under the current strategic plan, The Summit: Center for Wellness is scheduled for construction in 2027/2028, although this projection is based on the necessary funding falling into place in a timely fashion and may change. Loyalsock Foundation is raising funds through grants, donations, and a capital campaign. Applying for grants is a competitive process. Loyalsock Foundation and its volunteers are working hard to secure the necessary funds to build The Summit in a timely manner.

Tree Clearing and Driveway Construction

  • Trees were cleared to accommodate the permanent driveway width, entrance radius and for installation of a stormwater catch basin and stormwater culverts. The Final Land Development Plans as approved by the Sullivan County Planning Commission include a total of three infiltration basins for the driveway, parking area, and main building site along with several stormwater culverts to direct runoff to these locations. The two lane driveway will be built according to standards set by PennDOT for commercial construction, which includes the width needed to accommodate firetrucks and school buses.

  • The stormwater basin near the driveway entrance will be round and approximately 130 feet across. The basins at the top of the driveway are more kidney shaped, approximately 150 ft. by 70 ft. All three basins will have an erosion control blanket placed inside to control runoff, plus an amended soil mixture to promote infiltration and vegetation. The basins are then seeded with a DEP approved conservation seed mix that includes some wetland plans. Once the seed mix is established, the vegetation will grow to about waist-high and will resemble a normal wetland or wet prairie environment.

  • We are planning to incorporate many of the rocks into the design of the outdoor amphitheater, the ADA pathway leading to The Landing, and other areas on The Summit campus. We believe in sustainability and honoring the land as much as possible throughout the design and construction process. 

  • The Summit Loop trail will remain along the same route as originally laid out except for a section that overlapped with the permanent driveway and main building site. The Summit Loop has been rerouted a bit farther west and then loops around to connect with the original trail. The overall distance of the trail (approximately 1 mile) will remain the same. Trail signs and maps will be updated and made available upon completion of the permanent driveway.

  • Although we would like to open the trail as soon as possible, safety is our primary concern. We will continue to evaluate the driveway construction process and re-open the trail when the Summit Loop is clear and safe from all construction activity and equipment. Keep checking our website and social media pages for updates.

Additional Questions

  • Based on the community survey responses, a gymnasium was not identified as a high priority need for county residents. However, we recognize the limited gym space available in the county and have included a multi-purpose space in Phase 2 of the building construction. This space will serve as a full-size gym available for youth and adult sports leagues, as well as event rentals (family reunions, theater productions, weddings, etc.). Phase 2 construction will commence once funding is in place. 

    As part of the Phase 1 design, outdoor pickleball and basketball courts will be incorporated into the paved parking area. 

  • The USA Swimming Foundation offers Youth Learn to Swim Grants, which may be used to offer free or reduced-cost swimming lessons and/or support transportation to/from the swim lesson location(s). Loyalsock Foundation will explore this opportunity, as well as any other learn to swim grants and programs, in order to provide free swimming lessons to all 2nd and 3rd grade students in the Sullivan County School District (including cyber school and home school students).

  • The Summit: Center for Wellness will be a community center, and Loyalsock Foundation is open to collaborative relationships with community partners, including the Sullivan County School District.

  • Loyalsock Foundation has applied for grant funding to install an ADA accessible pathway leading from the parking area to The Landing. If approved for funding, this pathway will be installed in 2025. The ADA pathway will begin in the parking area and wind through a forested area to a nature overlook. Interpretive signage along the pathway will describe the natural vegetation present and seating will be available. The path will continue through a wooded area to a second small overlook, also with seating, providing an opportunity to observe the natural landscape. The path will be wide and smooth, suitable for strollers and wheelchairs.

    The Summit Loop trail was opened in 2023 and is of moderate terrain, offering several benches and chairs along the 1-mile path for resting and conversation. Additional loop trails are in the design phase.

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